Lepakshi trip

Team : Deekshith, Narendra Route : Bangalore --> Makalidurga --> Hindupur (nearest railway station)--> Lepakshi (~123km) Transport : Train, Auto Date of journey : 08 July 2017 When it comes to travelling, I always prefer to travel by Train. This time, I decided to explore a place which could be covered by train route. After some sort of search in Google, I found an interesting place - Lepakshi. It didn't take me much time to search a train to Lepakshi. Hindupura is the nearest railway station, located at a distance of 13km from Lepakshi. View of Makalidura hill as seen from the train We took a Jaipur Express (12975) train from KSR railway station, at 1 in the noon. The train goes via Makalidurga, giving us beautiful view of Makalidurga hill. It took ~2hrs to reach the nearest railway station, Hindupura. Hindupur railway station From Hindupura, there are two options to reach Lepakshi, one is by local bus and other option is to...