Mangalore darshana - Part 1

Being Mangalorean, I havn't explored much around the city. When someone asks me, "What's there in Mangalore?", I was not able to give enough information. Having explored many places of South India, this time I decided to explore my own city. In my upcoming series of blogs, I would be going through culture, tradition, costume and the food that are commonly used in Mangalore. Religions and Worship centers : Mangalore is the home to many religions. You will find at least one worship/pilgrim center for every 2km. Following are few of the most visited worship centers in and around Mangalore city. 1. Sri Gokarnanatheswara temple, Kudroli : This temple was built in 1912 by Sri Narayana Guru and is dedicated to Gokarnanatha, a form of Lord Shiva. Navaratri utsav, popularly known as " Mangalore Dasara " is the most celebrated festival in this temple. Sri Gokarnanatheswara temple, Kudroli, Mangalore 2. Ullala Dargah : At a distance of 9...