Ramanagara trip

It was just two days before the start of the next weekend, I received a message from my friend Vishal saying that "Shall we go for a road trip to some place near Bangalore this weekend? ". My reply was "Sure Vishal, I am always ready to explore". This is how we had planned and executed a trip to Ramanagara on 2nd April 2017. Ramanagrara is a district located at around 80km from Marathalli, Bangalore. As it was already mid of the summer season, we had decided to start our bike trip early in the morning at 4:00AM to avoid being hit by the sun. Eventually we started our journey at 4:20AM. It took us approximately 2hrs to reach Ramadeverabetta including a tea break on the way. Ramadevara Betta, Ramananagara: Ramadevara hill Even though we had reached early, we could not enter inside, as the main gate will be opened at 7:30AM. First entrance to hill Board at Ramadevarabetta mentioning timings We then saw a group of people who were tryin...